Saturday, October 29, 2016

The First Installment

     I have been writing from a very young age. The earliest piece de resistance is a story in booklet form I wrote about Mr. Hot, The Baker. Can't remember the story line but the large primary level printing should tell you it was short an to the point and deeply relevant of course! My first try at poetry came about the same day about a little bird landed at our campsite when I was five. My sister Shari took me on her knee and led me through the steps to good poetry writing. It was so I good I wanted to keep it but unfortunately it blew way and fell in to the camp fire never to be seen again; sending me the message quite clearly that I need to write more. Poetry writing eventually progressed into writing music. My words were so beautiful I began to see the need for music accompaniment  Somewhat like Leonard Cohen's transition from author and poet to singer songwriter  I took it to the next level. At 16 I wrote  my first song commissioned by my friend Ted Pruce and at 17 I wrote my first Christian song which progressed into many many more over the years. This was after having an epiphany of the truth of Christ in me at my high school one day. Then as time went on I began to write love songs out my desire to have a wife and family. But that has never happened yet so I have put the guitar down momentarily to write my memoirs and experiences to any of you who might be interested in the reading them.
     Songwriting came easily to me and I considered it a real gift from God that I was able to compose at the drop of a hat at times. I was never interested in the celebrity of it all. Though I did experience that. It was the message and the ability to communicate my feelings, beliefs and emotions so well that others could feel what I was feeling and could know what I knew or know. It was euphoric being used by God to touch others deeply and made me only want more of it.
     But somewhere along the line I lost my way. Through the pain and loss of broken relationships and life's tumultuous times my songs became a little angrier and less focused on the hope we all have in Jesus at the end. I struggled deeply and had many emotional scars from it all so I lost the zest of inspiration I used to have. Picking up my guitar was painful for me as it reminded me of who I once was - idealistic and full of hope - and who I am now - hurt but healing. I pray my new music will reflect that and lead us all to the only hope we really have and that is Jesus Christ.